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5 things you should know if you’re new to cbd⁠

5 things you should know if you’re new to cbd⁠⁠
❗before we get into it, in case you don’t already know, cbd is short for cannabidiol & is sourced from the hemp plant.⁠

1. ❌ cbd from hemp will not cause any psychoactive effect. so, you can experience the benefits without worrying about feeling out of control.⁠

2.🌱 hemp is kind of like the straight and narrow cousin to the plant people associate with marijuana /cannabis. both plants have some similarities but their effects and uses are very different.⁠

3.😄 cbd could help relieve various ailments or alleviate the symptoms associated with some illnesses. ⁠

cbd does this as it easily interacts with an important system in the human body: the endocannabinoid system. ⁠

this system regulates cognition, pain sensation, appetite, memory, sleep, immune function, and mood.⁠

4.🇬🇧🇪🇺 cbd is a novel food in the uk and europe. in the uk it’s regulated by the fsa meaning each product goes through a series of safety tests to make sure its safe for consumption and it contains what it says on the pack.⁠

5.😊 there are no known side effects of cbd. ⁠

but if you’re pregnant or breast feeding there isn’t enough research so please avoid using it.⁠

also, if you are taking prescription drugs make sure to run through your meds with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure there will be no interaction with cbd. ⁠

please leave any questions in the comments below or send us a direct message 😁⁠

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