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how cbd can help your period 😃

how cbd can help your period 😃

🔖 there are no published research studies on using cbd for period pain relief, however, it does have ‘well established, well studied anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects across a wide range of chronic pain conditions’ says cbd expert @drdanigordon⁠ ⁠

🔥because of these anti-inflammatory properties, cbd is an amazing natural way to prevent pain from occurring.

you can use cbd for more than a way to treat period pain, but also to prevent it from happening in the first place.⁠ ⁠

⭐ menstrual cramps are exacerbated by contractions of the smooth muscle lining the uterus — and cannabinoids are widely recognized to relax smooth muscles. cbd targets receptors embedded in the muscle tissue to relax contractions.⁠ ⁠

☹️ in addition to pain some women do experience pms induced anxiety. ⁠ ⁠

😃cbd can be really useful for anxiety too and you can find out more by watching our other videos!


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